Raimondo Sandri

Born in 1966, Raimondo Sandri has operated in the design field for many years dedicating himself to diverse forms of creativity. He carries out his work in an ex silk production factory in the Venetian country-side. He has a simple and distinctive trait that captivates emotions and creates atmoshphere.


Arik Ventura

Nato a Tel Aviv nel 1964 si diploma in Textile Design all'Israel College. Artista riconosciuto e apprezzato a livello mondiale, collabora con Wissenbach da 10 anni. La sua capacità di interpretare lo stile con quell'iconfondibile precisione, quella spregiudicatezza tipiche di un vero talento. Alcune sue opere sono in mostra permanente in 2 musei israeliani



Roberto Semprini

Roberto Semprini was born in Rimini in 1959, he studied architecture in Florence. In 1987 he joined the Bolidismo movement which expresses design in a symbolic key and in synthesis as a concept of electronic speed. After moving to Milan he started working as a freelance journalist for several design magazines like Mode, L'Atelier (Paris) and ARDI (Barcelona).
